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Miss Rosen doesn’t miss a beat when it comes to connecting art, photography, books, culture, the past and present. Her passion for images and the written word will make you want to look, think, question, cherish—and want more.

—Meryl Meisler


About Crave Online:
With over 2 million unique visitors per month, Crave Online is the top lifestyle publisher for 13-34 men, focusing on gaming, music, and film. The site relaunched in 2015, with a complete redesign and the addition of art, fashion, and design.


Miss Rosen’s Contribution:
Miss Rosen has a regularl column in which she covers art, photography, and illustrated books, as well as seasonal art fairs including Art Basel in Miami Beach, Frieze New York, The Armory Show, AIPAD, the NY Art Book Fair, and photo l.a. As the primary arts reporter for the site, Miss Rosen covers national and international exhibitions, conducts interviews with artists, curators, and authors, and reviews art books from publishers around the globe.


In addition to writing about art, Miss Rosen covers contemporary issues including criminal justice, climate change, environmentalism, conservation, artificial intelligence, and space exploration. She also writes about social media, fashion, music, film, television, food, and health for the site. Since she joined Crave Online in June 2015, she has written more than 890 stories to date. A list of select highlights runs below with links.


Video Interviews:
Faces of Photography with David Alan Harvey, Martin Guttieriez, and Wyatt Gallery
Wall to Wall with Brian Kenny


Art Fairs:
Art Basel in Miami Beach | Art in the Age of Fear & Rage
Art Basel in Miami Beach | This is “Ground Control” to Collins Park
Art Basel in Miami Beach | Martin Wong at P.P.O.W. is a Knockout
Frieze New York | Walton Ford at Paul Kasmin Gallery
Frieze New York | William Kentridge at Marian Goodman Gallery
Frieze New York | David Wojnarowicz at P.P.O.W. Gallery
Not For Sale: A Legacy of Graffiti & Street Art in Wynwood, Miami
NY Art Book Fair 2016 | Best of the Books
NY Art Book Fair 2016 | Best of the Zines
The Photography Show, Presented by AIPAD


Featured Interviews:
Devin Allen: Awakenings
Barry Blinderman: On Walter Robinson: A Retrospective
Anthony Bourdain: The Art of Rare Craft
Kareem Black: Roots
Nick Brandt: Inherit the Dust
Joe Conzo: All Roads Lead to the Bronx
Dalek: Where Op Art Meets Pop Art
Godlis: History is Made at Night
Arlene Gottfried: Bacalaitos & Fireworks
Michael Gross: Focus: The Secret, Sexy, Sometimes Sordid World of Fashion Photographers
Jim Jocoy:  70s Punk Legends
Brian Kenny: Our Second Skin
Sean Maung: G-Body
Slava Mogutin: Lost Boys: From Russia With Love
Ray Potes: Hamburger Eyes
Michele Quan for Geoffrey Beene, Photographed by Guzman
Thomas Roma: SPQR Editions
Hiba Schahbaz: Self Portraits
Jamel Shabazz: Tour of Duty on Rikers Island
Jamel Shabazz: Pieces of a Man
Joel-Peter Witkin: Shadowlands


Exhibition Reviews:
The 5 Best Art Exhibitions of 2016
All Power to the People: The Black Panthers at 50
Muhammad Ali, LeRoy Neiman, and the Art of Boxing
Dawoud Bey: Harlem Redux
Rodriguez Calero: Urban Martyrs and Latter-Day Santos
Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Kr. on His 88th Birthday
Ian Davenport: Doubletake
Marcel Duchamp and the Fountain Scandal
Edward S.. Curtis: The North American Indian
Arthur Jafa: A Series of Utterly Improbable, Yet Extraordinary Renditions
Empire: An Arturo Vega Retrospective
Titus Kaphar: The Vesper Project
Keizo Kitajima: New Street History
Tseng Kwong Chi: Performing for the Camera
In the Tower: Barbara Kruger
Let Us March On: Lee Friedlander and the Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom
Rene Magritte: The Treachery of Images
More Than A Picture at the NMAAHC
Most Scandalous Art Shows of All Time
Only The Oaks Remain: The Story of Tuna Canyon Detention Center
People on the Move: Beauty and Struggle in Jacob Lawrence’s Migration Series
Lorraine O’Grady: Art Is…
Irving Penn: Beyond Beauty
Joseph Rodriguez: Mi Gente
Mel Rosenthal: In the South Bronx of America
Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power
Luke Willis Thompson: Autoportrait
Toyo Tsuchiya: Invisible Underground
Vision and Justice: The Art of Citizenship
Ai Weiwei: #SafePassage


Book Reviews:
The 5 Best Art Books of 2016
Action Time Vision by Malcolm Garrett & Daniel Miller (Unit Editions)
Africa Rising: Fashion, Design & Lifestyle from Africa (Gestalten)
Alice Neel: Uptown by Hilton Als (David Zwirner Books)
A Beautiful Ghetto by Devin Allen (Haymarket Press)
Cut That Out: Collage in Contemporary Design
(The Monacelli Press)
Dandy Lion: The Black Dandy and Street Style (Aperture)
Diamond Dogs, Officina post industriale 1984–1987 Napoli (Yard Press)
Enjoy Your Life! by Juergen Teller (Steidl)
#Friday Reads: David Bowie’s Favorite Books
Golden Days Before They End (Edition Patrick Frey)
Island of the Colorblind by Sanna de Wilde (Kehrer Verlag)
Keith Haring: Posters (Prestel)
LAPD ’53 by James Ellroy (Abrams Books)
Linder (Ridinghouse)
The Lost Tribes of Tierra del Fuego (Thames & Hudson)
New York Polaroids: 1976-1989 by Edo Bertoglio (Yard Press)
Postcard America (University of Texas Press)
The Sex Pistols by Johan Kugelberg & Jon Savage (Rizzoli New York)
Shoot What You Love by Henry Horenstein (The Monacelli Press)
Words Are All We Have: Paintings by Jean-Michel Basquiat (Hatje Cantz)


Secret Histories:
Liu Bolin: Art Hacker
Martha Cooper: NYCasitas
Covert Operations: Investigating the Known Unknowns
David T. Hanson: Wilderness to Wasteland
Steven Hirsch: Gowanus Waters
Yoav Horesh: Aftermath
Susan Meiselas :Nicaragua
Gideon Mendel: Drowning World
Richard Misrach and Guillermo Galindo: Border Cantos
Impasse Ronsin at Paul Kasmin, New York
Mark Speltz: North of Dixie
Marking the Infinite at the Newcomb Museum of Art
New Documents at the Bronx Documentary Center
The Resolution of the Suspect Examines the Lethal Art of Portraiture
This Way Madness Lies: The Asylum and Beyond
Wall Writers: Graffiti in its Innocence
Who I Am: Rediscovered Portraits from Apartheid South Africa


Political Stories:
5 Things You Need to Know About the Largest Prison Strike in U.S. History
5 Things You Need to Know About Standing Rock
The Dakota Access Pipeline Plans to Open for Business
Standing Rock Has Become the First Major America Battleground of the 21st Century
Standing Tall at Standing Rock
Give Real Thanks: 7 Ways to Help the DAPL Protestors
The Tragedy of Kalief Browder Has Taken His Mother’s Life
World Famous “Afghan Girl” Makes Headlines as Refugee Arrested in Pakistan


Environmental & Conservation Stories:
5 Animals We’d Like to See “De-Exctincted”
Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” Is Right on Time
Dutch Zoo Introduces “Tinder for Orangutans”
Extreme Conservation at Kaziranga National Park
Former Child Soldier Wins Envirornmental Prize for Protecting Wildlife
Former US Marine Establishes VETPAW to Protect African Wildlife
The Future Is Now | A Plant Based Diet Can Help Save the Planet
The Future Is Now | 11 Environmental Charities to Give To in Lieu of Holiday Gifts
The Great Barrier Reef Teeters on the Brink of Death
Heist on the High Seas: Gangs of Killer Whales Target Fishing Boats
Sudan, the Last Male Northern White Rhino on Earth, Joins Tinder
Tilikum, Star of “Blackfish,” Dies at 36
Winning the Fight to Bring the Coral Reefs of the Florida Keys Back to Life
The Woolly Mammoth Rises!


Culture Stories:
A Tribute to Gianni Versace on the 20th Anniversary of His Death
Art Is Not a Crime: The Most High-Profile Street Art Arrests in the USA
Celebrate Indigenous People’s Day and Honor the First Peoples of Our Land
Ralph Echemendia, “The Ethical Hacker”
Elon Musk Reveals Plans to Colonize Mars
The Killer Clown Phenomenon Takes America by Storm
Long Live Frederick Douglass, Man of the New Millennium
Punk History Goes Up in Flames on the 40th Anniversary of “Anarchy in the U.K.”
Surreal is Named the Word of the Year for 2016
TAKI 183, Elusive Graffiti Writer, Comes Out of Retirement
Word on the Street: The History of Globe Posters


Film & Television:
Azucar! The Life of Celia Cruz Comes to Netflix in an Epic 80-Part Series
Ava DuVernay’s “13TH” Exposes the Horrors of Modern Day Slavery in America
Celebrating Hollywood Royalty | Debbie Reynolds & Carrie Fisher
Eddie Palmieri on His 80th Birthday
“Hip-Hop Evolution” is One for the History Books
Hip-Hop Pioneers Joe Conzo & DJ Disco Wiz on “The Get Down”
Inside the World of Martin Scorsese
Leonardo DiCaprio Takes on Elephant Poachers in “The Ivory Game”
Leonardo DiCaprio Reveals the Truth About Climate Change in “Before the Flood”
The True Story of “The Central Park Five”


Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Eric B. & Rakim’s “Paid in Full”
“Criminal Minded,” the Seminal Hip-Hop Album, Celebrates Its 30th Anniversary
David Axelrod, Influential Producer and Composer, Dies at 83
Dr. Octagon Returns!
Funk Phenomenon Junie Morrison Dies at 62
How the Blackout of 1977 Helped Hip Hop Blow Up
Legendary DJ and Club Innovator David Mancuso Dies at 72
The Peter Tosh Museum Opens on the Legend’s 72nd Birthday
The Ruler’s Back! Slick Rick Returns with “Children’s Book”
Gary Simmons: Recapturing Memories of the Black Ark


Science & Technology
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Invents New Styles of Art
Elon Musk Reveals Plans to Colonize Mars
Experts Predict When AI Will Exceed Human Performance
Meet Inspirobot, the Madcap AI Mememaker
New Study Reveals There is No Limit to How Long Human Beings Can Live
Scientists Discover How to Selectively Erase Memories


Better Living Through Microdosing
New Study Reveals Chocolate + Caffeine = High Performance
New Study says Eat 10 Servings of Fruits & Veggies a Day for a Longer Life
Ziggy Marley and the Family Cookbook


 For more, check out
Miss Rosen’s daily column at Crave Online
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