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About the Magazine:
For over 40 years, L’Uomo Vogue has led the men’s magazine market in terms of prestige and influence, and is an indispensable resource both for industry insiders and anyone who wishes to stay informed about contemporary society.


Miss Rosen’s Contribution:
Miss Rosen wrote a story on Subway Art History for their April 2011 issue.


Excerpt from feature on Subway Art History:
The golden era of graffiti in New York coincided with the Eighties, when self-taught artists created masterpieces on the wagons of the subway. These “crusaders” transformed art from a commercial object into a public discourse, offering an open forum to a historically clandestine entity: the moment was perfectly captured in Subway Art the book published in 1984 by Martha Cooper and Henry Chalfant.


Slavery Collective of Painters is a collective made up of writers who during the day carry out normal jobs to be able to afford to cultivate their artistic inclinations. Fifteen or so people (age raging between 22 and 28 years) form the collective and they got together to recontextualize the original works of “Subway art” with their open air exhibition “Subway art history” a homage to the artistic sensitivity of the Eighties.

—Miss Rosen
Brooklyn, 2011

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