SUBWAY NEW YORK, 1977-1984 © by Willy Spiller 2016

The 5 Best Photography Books

The beauty of photography is its ability to stop time, to bare witness from now til eternity so long as someone wishes to see the world through the photographer’s eyes. We are instantly transported into other realms, into private lives and public spheres of influence.


When collected as a book, the photograph takes on another role: it becomes evidence of the past and a message to the future. It becomes something we invite into our homes and set on our shelves, awaiting the moment we choose to pick it up and nestle it on our laps, absorbing each image page by page, in quiet contemplation of wisdom that speaks beyond words. Crave has selected five of the best photography books of 2016.


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Kerry James Marshall, Better Homes, Better Gardens, 1994. Denver Art Museum Collection: Funds from Polly and Mark Addison, the Alliance for Contemporary Art, Caroline Morgan, and Colorado Contemporary Collectors: Suzanne Farver, Linda and Ken Heller, Jan and Frederick Mayer, Beverly and Bernard Rosen, Annalee and Wagner Schorr, and anonymous donors. © Kerry James Marshall. Photo courtesy of the Denver Art Museum.

The 5 Best Art Exhibitions

In retrospect, it is virtually impossible to think of 2016 without thinking of the impact of media in our lives. Short of living on top of a mountain without Wifi, it is virtually impossible to escape the onslaught of images, text, and video that streams in and out of our daily lives. Invariably, its inescapability renders it significant, worthy of contemplation outside the quotidian spaces where we first consume them.


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Vik Muniz. A Bar at the Folies-Bergere, after Edouard Manet, from Pictures of Magazines 2, 2012. © Vik Muniz/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY.

The 5 Best Art Books

As the year comes to a close, the one thing we may all agree on is that 2016 has been one of the most pivotal years in recent memory. There is a palpable sense of polarization that underlies so many things in our lives, and as we approach a new year, we find ourselves in a brave new world filled with fake news and propaganda from all sides.


To that end, we may turn (even return) to books for solace, wisdom, and insight from those who have been here before and had the presence of mind to record their insights. Crave has selected five of the best art books of 2016, with an eye towards hope, justice, and understanding who we are and where we’ve been so that we know where we’re going—for the sake of our own, as well as future generations.


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