Artwork: Rihanna at Crop Over 2017, Barbados // Plate from Ernst Haeckel’s ‘Kunstformen der Natur’ (‘Artforms of nature’), 1904. Courtesy of TabloidArtHistory.

“Everything has already been done,” Stanley Kubrick opined “Every story has been told. Every scene has been shot. It’s our job to do it one better.”


Perhaps this is true—perhaps it is not. It’s impossible to know that which has never existed until it takes form. But one thing is for sure, and that’s the power of myth, which speaks of human nature’s relentless desire to find a narrative that makes sense out of the chaos and complexities of existence.


We do not need to look all the way back to mythologies of yore, to the heroic, monstrous, and villainous archetypes that have inspired great art, music, and literature in all cultures across time. The classical ideals of god, mortal, and beast have so completely subsumed our conscious (and even unconscious) minds that we simply follow the script.


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Artwork: Prince Harry at a pool in Miami, Florida, 2014// ‘Portrait of Nick Wilder’ (detail), by David Hockney, 1966. Acrylic on Canvas, 183 x 183 cm. Courtesy of TabloidArtHistory.

Artwork: A pregnant Beyoncé amongst flowers, Mother’s Day 2017 // ‘Mary Little, later Lady Carr’ by Kehinde Wiley, oil on canvas, 30” x 24”, 2012.Courtesy of TabloidArtHistory.

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