For American artist James Casebere, the constructed image is the assertion of ideas, fantasies, concepts and the relationships between them. Though they are not documents of real things, they vividly convey possibilities, portending a future that reminds us just how often life follows art.
In the new exhibition, On the Water’s Edge, now on view at Galerie Templon in Paris through March 7, 2020, Casebere explores the subject of climate change through a series of architectural landscapes that offer a look at how me might adapt and evolve to meet the encroaching threat of environmental disaster.
Casebere imagines beautiful structures that are designed to exist in a world where the water level continues to rise, offering a hybrid space for private sanctuary as well as an open embrace of the elements. Rather than work with existing structures, Casebere imagines a new type of architectural language that he painstakingly builds in his studio, then creates a majestic realm where the ocean and the land mingle and merge in a sumptuous water world.
Here Casebere shares his inspiration and experiences making this incredible series of work, reminding us never to underestimate the human imagination and our ability to solve the very problems we create.
Read the Full Story at Feature Shoot