About the Issue:
To celebrate all that goes wrong when you’re up to no good, powerHouse Magazine introduces Issue 5: Busted, a sometimes serious, often hilarious look at failure and fiasco from around the globe. From manhunts to masturbation, friendly fire to robbing the mafia, trespassing to parking lot madness, Busted promises the most eclectic mix of nogoodniks, anarchists, and frisky kids ever caught between two covers.


Keiji Ando, Patti Astor, Orkan Benli, Nora Bibel, Nathan Brown, Negri Cabrini, Nicola Cairns, COPE2, Matthew Charles Crabe, Raphael Dellaporta, DJ Disco Wiz, Meiko Elias, Michael Ellsberg, Ron English, Derek Erdman, Yoav Galai, Jesse Gammage, Samantha Gainsborough, Michael Gonzales, Griddy Grimes, Roc Herms Pont, James Hughes, Idris Intifada, JR, Musa Kart, John Lurie, Narayan Mahon, Brantly Martin, Craig Mathis, Danielle Mayer, Sarah McNeill, MISTA KGKASS, Caleb Neelon, New York Daily News, Chris Nieratko, NOV as Loucious Broadway, ONE 9, Charles Peterson, Mark Peterson, Mia Petzall, Joseph Rivera, Joseph Rodriguez, Christophe Salet, Ivan Sanchez, Colin Simmons, Todd Solomon, Lila Szasz, Hank Willis Thomas, Maureen Valdes, Nathaniel Welch, Geordie Wood, Wooz, and Joy Yoon.


The Art Newspaper, Artillery Magazine, Bombin Magazine, En Foco/Nueva Luz, Halcyon, Juxtapoz Magazine, lodown Magazine, New York Daily News, Pimp Guides, Planet Magazine, Radar Magazine, Spread ArtCulture Magazine, Staf Magazine, Trace Magazine, and Worship Worthy.


Excerpt from Memoir From the Editor:
One night in ‘98: This guy I know invites me uptown in search of smoke. We hit up a couple of spots on the block, but strike out time and again until a local Rasta comes up and blesses us with a couple bags of green. We wander off the ave to sit on a stoop, where this guy sets down an itty-bitty boombox he has been carrying all night. As we smoke a blunt, the tape deck catches the munchies and starts snacking on the mixtape. As this guy tries to salvage his shit with the precision of a brain surgeon, a white chick rolling a shopping cart interrupts. With a voice faltering like pantyhose scraped across sandpaper, she says, “…Uhhh…Could youse watch my cart…for a minute…I gotta go upstairs…to….uhhhh…take a shower?”


This guy answers, “Yeah. Go ahead.”


“I just gotta clean up real quick.”


“No problem,” he assures her, but she doesn’t move. Again, he promises, “Don’t worry about it. We’ll be here.”


“…Uhhh…Yeah…Thanks….” Her eyes switch from us to the building, fingers twitching for a fix. She darts past her cart, which happens to be stocked with—among other things—a set of striped bath towels.


While lighting a cigarette, I hear a door slam.


“Did you see that?” this guy asks, his voice edgy with excitement.


“See what?”


“You didn’t see that?”


“Okay,” I sigh, speaking slowly. “Tell me what you saw, and I’ll tell you if I saw it.”

—Miss Rosen
Brooklyn, 2008


Miss Rosen’s Contribution to the Project
Art Direction, Photo Editing & Sequencing, Text Editing,  Advertising, and Production Management


Magazine layouts courtesy of powerHouse Books

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