Photo: Nana Kofi Acquah: Afro on purple. Silhouette of my daughter. Accra, Ghana. @africashowboy. From Everyday Africa: 30 Photographers Re-Picturing a Continent (Kehrer Verlag).

In recent years, contemporary African art has risen to the fore with some of the most original, creative, and inspiring visions of life today. Drawn from a vast swath of tribes and cultures across the continent that date back for hundreds and thousands of years and brought up to date for the new millennium, the arts of Africa defy all expectation—except that they remain on the cutting edge.


Crave has compiled the best new publications showcasing African art today, capturing the spirit of the peoples, reflecting on the issues at hand, and crafting innovative solutions to the challenges facing the nations rising out of the struggles incumbent 0n achieving independence from foreign imperialists.


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