Photo: Ohne Titel, a.d.S. The Days We Were Happy, 1975 © Nobuyoshi Araki. Courtesy of Privatsammlung Eva Felten

For over half a century, Japanese photographer Nobuyoshi Araki has devoted himself to plumbing the depths of that which is most intimate – the invisible, intangible spirit that animates our very flesh. In his hands, the erotic transcends the mere functionality of pornography and reveals the raw intensity of the emotional, physical, and psychological self that gives sex its power.


At 78, the prolific artist has published over 500 books, including his latest offering Araki: Impossible Love – Vintage Photographs, out today. Arranged chronologically, the book maps Araki’s oeuvre as it unfolds, transforming his photo diary into a visual autobiography of a singular, subversive life in art.


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Kinbaku, 2010, Polaroid
© Nobuyoshi Araki. Courtesy of artspace AM, Tokyo

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