Tyler Mitchell, Untitled (In the Blue Bush), 2018
Biosphere 2, ca. 1991, from the film Spaceship Earth, 2020. Courtesy Matt Wolf

Utopia is available to all who call upon their imagination to conjure the perfect world. And who better than the artist to visualise an escape from the infernal damnations of the earth and offer a visionary portrait of a future we might dare to dream into existence?


In ‘Utopia’Aperture #241, artists, photographers, and writers come together to envision a world without prisons, sexism, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, environmental collapse – and all the other dangers pushing our very existence over the precipice. 


Featuring the work of Nicole R. Fleetwood, The Family Acid, Lina Iris Viktor, Mickalene Thomas, Lorna Simpson, among others, Utopia offers a panoply of possible futures at our fingertips: a world without prisons, where people from all walks of life are free and unhindered by the spectre of oppression on every level of existence, starting with the relationship between artist and subject.


Read the Full Story at Huck


Balarama Heller, Desire Tree, from the series Sacred Place, 2019.
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