It wasn’t dark when we set out on water. It had been bright and clear light. June maybe? I’m not really sure. The middle of every decade blurs into this wave, a maze, like a web of memories intricate and imprecise though the vibe is magnified through the lens of time. So I’m on this boat, a motor boat, it has two tiers. I’m on the water, indoors and out. Dramamine I am sure, that’s the only drug besides Advil I’ve had in years.


Good thing too cause I’m real sensitive. To heights. Depths. Shifting balances. I’m not a natural. I’m the opposite. But at least I’m predictable (indeed). So here we are on the seas of Marin County and we are cruising into San Francisco Bay. It’s beautiful, everything is shades of blue, the water ripples fan out and flow into waves that coast under the skies that darken as the horizon looms. Out to ocean it’s the sunset but inland it’s electric lights dotting the landscape.


I love the way SF looks as you move towards it. The tall hills jutting out on that little mass of insistent land. Beautifully sculpted with old buildings of sorbet and marshmallow. Towards the water, tiny two stories cottages line up like Peeps at Duane Reade in April… and me not eating sugar so I see it everywhere.


I’m on the boat. Dancing with Jim. He’s playing DJ and I’m not sure what he’s spinning but it’s goood. Cause that Dram is working so the floor tilting isn’t a bad thing. I need this. Deeply. Inside me. Letting loose on the high seas, so to speak. Set me free ~


Then the captain calls me, so I step to the stern and there I am, by his side, looking out the front, moving with purpose across the top and it all feels different now, as though the power of the sea was beneath my feet and I relax into the energies that floated and swirled through the air.


We are coming upon Alcatraz. The sky was dark and stars sparkled in the canopy. I look at the island and from the fog of a dream a ferry emerged. I knew it wasn’t actually there, I could see it, through but not with my eyes. I looked it over and noticed two men in suits, hats, and trenchcoats. Very 1930s. Feds. I watched the boat dock and they were off, into the noir.


I snapped back. It was 2005. 2006. 2007. (ahem). Not sure. Those years are a blur. But I’m sure I am where I standing. Beside the captain. He might have been saying something. Didn’t matter, really…

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