Artwork: Damian Elwes, Keith Harings Studio (New York, 1988), signed and dated 2016, mixed media on canvas, 60 x 74 in.

In dream theory, it is believed that the home is the symbol of the mind, so that when you dream of being at home, you are actively engaging in a metaphorical discussion with your unconscious about your innermost state of existence. For artists, the studio is a second home; it is the place to which they escape to commune directly with their souls in order to create.


Artist studios have long held fascination in the public eye, as it gives us an entrée to the place where masterpieces are born of blood, sweat, and tears—or any other alchemical mixture. Artists are sometimes among the most intrigued, wanting to see the world from the vantage point of those which they admire for their creations.


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Artwork: Damian Elwes, Picasso’s Studio (Paris, 1915), signed and dated 2016, gouache on board, 19 x 27 in.

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