Artwork: The Spanish Family, 1943. Oil on canvas. © The Estate of Alice Neel. Courtesy David Zwirner Books and Victoria Miro. From Alice Neel, Uptown (David Zwirner Books)
As the year comes to a close, the one thing we may all agree on is that 2017 has introduced “the new normal.” Forget how it’s supposed to be, this is how it is. Information and disinformation moves at the speed of light in a constant onslaught, spinning through your space like a tornado over and over again. It’s enough to drain and depress, if you allow yourself to get caught in its relentless grip.
The best way to deal with things out of your control is to redirect your energy into what is within your purview. The things you read and surround yourself with can energize, uplift, inspire, enlighten, educate, and empower you. To that end, we may turn (even return) to books for solace, wisdom, and insight from those who have been here before and had the presence of mind to record their insights.
Crave selects the 10 best art books of 2017, with an eye towards hope, justice, and understanding who we are and where we’ve been so that we know where we’re going for the sake of our own – as well as future generations.
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Farah Behbehani, Love rests on no foundation II.
From Signs of Our Times: From Calligraphy to Caligraffiti (Merrell).
Read more at http://www.craveonline.com/art/1355547-10-best-art-books-2017#iCuHZWmeUhBWIBgZ.99